
Games like eternal arena
Games like eternal arena

In travel, as Andrew Soloman says, we go somewhere else to see properly the place where we have come from. More specifically, to use body therapy language, games offer us a chance to discover the inviolability of our bodies, personal autonomy, self-ownership, and self-determination.

games like eternal arena

Whether this is into the awkward teenage years of Mord and Ben in Wide Ocean Big Jacket, the grandparent-escaping Tiger and Bee in Kissy Kissy, the fractured heartbroken body in Gris or the haphazard movement of Octodad we have a chance to reassess our own physicality and how we respond to and treat other people's physicality. Stepping into the shoes of a vulnerable, small or endangered character can help us understand for a short while some of what it is like to be someone else. This is not only an enjoyable way to escape the reality of daily life but a chance to reflect on and understand ourselves, and our bodies, better. Whether we step into the powerful frame of a trained marksman or brave adventurer, while we play we have a different sense of our physicality. Video games offer an opportunity to inhabit another body. Add to this the combination of swinging, gliding and using architecture to transition smoothly from floor to sky and its clear that this can take many years to perfect. Techniques like Strafe-jumping, Circle Jumping and Bunny Hopping enable players to squeeze fast motion from their character. The movement aspect of play also adds another significant skill to learn in these games. Movement Shooters get around this unpopular technique (sometimes called "camping") because the ability to rapidly move through the world enables you to find and deal with hiding snipers. In a standard shooting game, a viable tactic is to hide somewhere and pick off enemies as they appear in the distance. This not only adds novelty to the otherwise repetitive nature of shooting games, but changes how they are played more generally. Along with the usual walking, running, crouching, there are ways to swing, jetpack, climb, wall-run and generally use parkour-style motion to get where you need to be. Movement Shooters are shooting games where you have a high degree of control of how your character moves around the world. The simple aiming and firing mechanic is creatively combined with other aspects of play that greatly alters the experience. However, not all shooting games are the same.

games like eternal arena

Video games are often known for their gun play.

Games like eternal arena